Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

BAI has prepared hundreds of Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) for private and public projects. BAI conducts Phase I and Phase II ESAs in accordance with ASTM E 1527-13 and All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI). The intent of a Phase I ESA is to identify Recognized Environmental Concerns (RECs). RECs refer to the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the property.

In performing Phase I ESAs we research, review and evaluate existing available public and regulatory agencies information and identified potential RECs within the study area that could impact a site. Our scope of work for a Phase I ESAs includes the following:

Task 1:           Perform site observations (site walk-through) for evidence of occurrences of hazardous materials use, storage, or disposal, signs of distressed vegetation or other readily visible evidence of environmental impact to the property, and indications of the existence of underground storage tanks.  During the performance of the site walk-through, limited adjacent property observations will be made for potential environmental impact to the study site.

Task 2:           Perform review of site land use history, including interviews with previous owners, if possible.  This task will include collection of data regarding past site ownership and use based on review of real estate title records (provided by client or client’s representative), and review of local building and planning department’s files.

Task 3:           Review selected regulatory agency files for information about possible environmental degradation of the subject site and adjacent properties.

Task 4:           Review historical aerial photographs on file with public agencies and private aerial photography businesses.

Task 5:           Prepare and submit a report of findings summarizing the operating procedures and findings of the Phase I ESA, including summary, conclusions, and if appropriate, recommendations sections.

If RECs are identified after performing a Phase I ESA, then a Phase II ESA may be necessary. The Phase II ESA includes sampling of building materials, vapors, soil and/or groundwater to determine the presence of the identified REC to the site. After obtaining laboratory analytical results of any verification samples take a report of findings of the Phase II ESA results is submitted.